--- Hello world!
--- Hello internet! (and various "for-the-people" agencies looking through our traffic...)
--- Hello web (1.0)! (and if need-be "web 2.0", but it's not required...)
--- Hello Gopher! (however I can't say this because Gopher is now dead...) 😞
This site is the new home for my personal notes and snippets.
By "my" I mean "Ciprian Dorin Craciun" and you can find more about me at:
- GitHub / volution -- where I have published my "important" (and "almost" production ready) open-source projects;
- GitHub / cipriancraciun -- where I have published all my open-source projects; plus contributed patches, mirrors, etc.;
- wiki.volution.ro -- the wiki where I host all my previous notes and writings; (and which I want to transition from;)
Getting back to the matter at hand, this site, it leverages the following technologies:
- Hugo -- an open-source static site generator written in Go;
- Netlify -- a free static site hosting service;
- Cloudflare -- a free CDN and DNS hosting service (that also provides HTTPS);
- (and of course the countless other libraries, tools, technologies, infrastructures, etc., that these rely upon;)
Thus I would like to thank everyone that created and maintain these various technologies (open-source or just "free")! Without your effort I wouldn't be able to spout my ramblings upon the world.
And nonetheless I would like to thank anyone that allocates some time and energy to read these words.
--- Thank you all!
--- and Welcome!